Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/08/01
The Board of Education recognizes that teaching is a profession and that the best interests of the profession and public education are advanced by professional, local, State, and national associations of teachers and/or administrators.
The Board further recognizes that such associations are concerned with many aspects of education including professional growth of teachers, in-service education, curriculum development, professional standards, professional ethics, salaries, and working conditions.
The Board encourages teachers and administrators to gain the personal and professional benefits that accrue from membership in local, State, and national professional and educational organization.
1. Teachers, administrator and other staff members have the right to join any professional organization and are encouraged to attend such meetings, workshops, and conventions, when possible.
2. No administrator, supervisor, or other employee in the District shall coerce a fellow employee in any way to join a particular professional organization.
3. Every attempt shall be made to schedule association meetings/conventions so as not to interfere with teaching responsibilities. Decisions regarding attendance at meeting that will take teachers away from class will be made by the administration.
Cross Reference: WEA-Board of Education Master Agreement
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §120.13(7)
Cross Reference: WEA-Board of Education Master Agreement, Policy 532.31-Unpaid Leaves of Absence for Certified Staff Members