Wautoma Area School District
Approved 05/27/82

The Board of Education recognizes staff members should continue to improve their competencies during their professional service. It expects the District Administrator to promote opportunities for staff development and for staff members to take advantage of them. To the extent feasible, the District Administrator should establish procedures by which staff members can receive proper recognition for efforts to improve his/herself professionally during the school year. This recognition may come through credit toward advancement on salary guides. Any credit thus established should be controlled by standards comparable to those credits earned in college study.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/08/01

The Board of Education recognizes that teaching is a profession and that the best interests of the profession and public education are advanced by professional, local, State, and national associations of teachers and/or administrators.

The Board further recognizes that such associations are concerned with many aspects of education including professional growth of teachers, in-service education, curriculum development, professional standards, professional ethics, salaries, and working conditions.

The Board encourages teachers and administrators to gain the personal and professional benefits that accrue from membership in local, State, and national professional and educational organization.

1. Teachers, administrator and other staff members have the right to join any professional organization and are encouraged to attend such meetings, workshops, and conventions, when possible.
2. No administrator, supervisor, or other employee in the District shall coerce a fellow employee in any way to join a particular professional organization.
3. Every attempt shall be made to schedule association meetings/conventions so as not to interfere with teaching responsibilities. Decisions regarding attendance at meeting that will take teachers away from class will be made by the administration.

Cross Reference: WEA-Board of Education Master Agreement
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §120.13(7)
Cross Reference: WEA-Board of Education Master Agreement, Policy 532.31-Unpaid Leaves of Absence for Certified Staff Members


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 07/25/02

Certified personnel of the Wautoma Area School District may, with Board approval, pursue participation in a United States International Education Exchange Program. The Board may approve an unpaid leave of absence to accept a United States Government grant to teach in a national school or an American-sponsored school to study or do research abroad.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.13, 120.10(16), 120.13(6), 120.13(10)
Cross Reference: Policy 511-Equal Employment Opportunity (Affirmative Action Plan); Policy 542.31 Rule-Unpaid Leave of Absence for WASTRE Employee, WASTRE-Board of Education Master Agreement


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 09/14/89
Revised 03/28/02

It is the philosophy of the Board of Education that Wautoma Area School Transportation Related Employees (WASTRE) have a primary commitment to provide those services for which they were hired and signed a contract to provide. However, it is also the Board's understanding that bus driving is a part-time occupation and that some drivers may need to supplement their income with additional work outside of this contracted obligation. In addition, there may be times when a conflict between these responsibilities may occur.

Therefore, this policy shall distinguish between unpaid leaves of absence requests due to occupational conflicts and unpaid leaves of absence requests due to other unusual circumstances.

A. Unpaid Leave of Absence Requests Due to Occupational Conflicts
1. If, at the time of hiring, the prospective employee made the District aware of the potential employment conflict, the District will grant an unpaid leave of absence due to the occupational conflicts provided the request does not exceed a total of ten (10) workdays per contract year.
2. Should an occupational conflict arise after the beginning date of employment(those not known by the District at the time of hire) and the employee requests an unpaid leave to resolve said conflict, the
District will attempt to grant the leave requests providing the requests do not exceed ten (10) working days per contract year and there are qualified substitute bus drivers available.
3. Employees on an unpaid leave of absence due to occupational conflict shall be responsible for and pay, through salary deduction, that portion of any fringe benefits paid by the District during said leave of absence.
4. Requests for unpaid leaves of absence due to occupational conflict shall be made by the employee, in writing, to the Transportation Supervisor and must be submitted with adequate advance notice.
B. Unpaid Leaves of Absence Requests Due to Other Highly Unusual Circumstances
1. Requests shall not exceed five (5) consecutive workdays.
2. Said leave, if granted, shall be without pay including the District's portion of any fringe benefits paid on behalf of the employee.
3. Appropriate advanced notice, in writing, must be given to the Transportation Supervisor.
4. Qualified substitute bus drivers must be available.
5. Probationary employees are not eligible for unpaid leave of absence.
C. Guidelines for All Unpaid Leave of Absence Requests
1. Not more than two (2) WASTRE employees may be on an unpaid leave of absence at any one time.
2. The Transportation Supervisor and the District Administrator shall take action on unpaid leave requests.
3. Decisions of the Transportation Supervisor and the District Administrator may be appealed to the Board of Education.
4. In the event there is a conflict with the WASTRE-Board Master Contract, master contract language will prevail.
D. Violations of this policy may lead to disciplinary actions by the Board of Education and such actions may include the dismissal of said employee.
E. This policy does not apply to unpaid leaves of absence required by law such as the Family Medical Leave Act.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 09/14/89
Revised 03/28/02

A. Unpaid Leave of Absence Requests Due to Occupational Conflicts
1. A written request for said leave, which shall include the dates of the absence and describe the occupational conflict, must be submitted by the employee to the Transportation
Supervisor at least five (5) working days prior to the first day of the leave noted in the request.
2. Requests will be processed for only the current school year that is defined as July 1 to
June 30.
3. A suitable substitute must be available to fill the employee’s vacancy during the leave of absence time period.
B. Unpaid Leaves of Absence Requests Due to Other Highly Unusual Circumstances
1. A written request for said leave, which shall include the dates of the absence and describe the highly unusual circumstances, must be submitted by the employee to the
Transportation Supervisor not less than 30 calendar days prior to the first day of the leave noted in the request.
2. Requests will be processed for only the current school year that is defined as July 1 to
June 30.
3. A suitable substitute must be available to fill the employee’s vacancy during the leave of absence time-period.
4. Scheduled leave of absences of other WASTRE employees during this period will be considered in granting or denying the request.
5. Any other factors affecting the continuity of the transportation department will be considered in granting or denying the request.
6. Should three (3) or more requests for unpaid leave of absence be submitted covering all or part of the same time period and should those requests merit approval, the decision will be made based on the following:
a. The employee’s attendance record during the current school year.
b. The employee’s length of service to the District.
c. Previous leave of absences granted to the employee.
d. Previous leave of absence requests submitted by the employee.

Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.13, 120.10(16), 120.13(6), 120.13(10)
Cross Reference: Policy 511-Equal Employment Opportunity (Affirmative Action Plan); 542.32 Guidelines for Unpaid Leave of Absence Requests from WDE Employees; WDE-Board of Education Master Agreement


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 11/10/88
Revised 07/26/01

It is the philosophy of the Board of Education that the non-certified support staff employees have a primary commitment to provide those services for which they were hired. Adequate provisions for appropriate absences are provided for in the master agreement between the Wautoma District Employees (WDE) and Wautoma Area School District Board of Education.

Therefore, requests for unpaid leaves of absence should only be approved based upon highly unusual circumstances. Vacations should be planned so as not to interfere with providing of those services to the District.

The following guidelines shall govern the decisions made concerning requests for unpaid leave of absence under highly unusual circumstance:

1. Requests shall not exceed five (5) consecutive workdays.
2. Said leave, if granted, shall be without pay.
3. Not more than two (2) non-certified employees may be on an unpaid leave of absence at one time.
4. Appropriate advanced notice, in writing, must be given to the District.
5. Probationary employees are not eligible for unpaid leave of absences.
6. Only employee's supervisors and the District Administrator shall take action on unpaid leave requests.
7. Decisions by the employee's supervisor and District Administrator may be appealed to the Board of Education.
8. In the event that there is a conflict with the WDE-Board of Education Master Agreement language and this policy, master contract language will prevail.
9. Violations pf this policy may lead to disciplinary action by the Board of Education and such action may include the dismissal of said employee.
10. This policy does not apply to unpaid leaves of absence required by law such as the Family Medical Leave Act.


Wautoma Area School District
Approved 11/10/88
Revised 07/26/01

Unpaid Leave of Absence Requests Due to Occupational Conflicts

1. A written request for said leave, which shall include the dates of the absence and describe the occupational conflict, must be submitted by the non-certified employee to his/her supervisor or the District Administrator not more than 60 calendar days and not less than 30 calendar days prior to the first day of the leave of absence noted in the request.
2. Requests will be processed for only the current school year that is defined as July 1 to June 30.
3. A suitable substitute must be available to fill the non-certified employee’s vacancy during the leave of absence time period.
4. Scheduled leave of absences of other non-certified employees during this period will be considered in granting or denying the request.
5. Any other factors affecting the continuity of the support staff services will be considered.
6. Should three (3) or more requests for unpaid leave of absence be submitted covering all or part of the same time period and should those requests merit approval, the decision will be made based on the following:
a. The non-certified employee’s attendance record during the current school year.
b. The non-certified employee’s length of service to the District.
c. Previous leave of absences granted to the non-certified employee.
d. Previous leave of absence requests submitted by the non-certified employee.

Legal Reference: Fair Labor Standards Act
Cross Reference: WDE-Board of Education Master Contract